List of the awarded projects (updated on 9.11.2023)
TohmaKoita KA10010 Kick-off meeting 17.4.2020
The projects kick-off meeting was held in April 17th 2020. Due to restrictions caused by the coronavirus COVID-19, the meeting was conducted virtual on the internet.
Finland and the Republic of Karelia are the forest regions of Eastern Europe amount altogether over 30 million hectares of the forestland area.
Welcome to the website of Bofori-project! is online booking service for small accommodation facilities. The means of achieving the planned indicators is a successful pricing policy of the commission charged, the principles of legal business turnover between the owners of small accommoda
The BUSY project is undertaken to reinforce capacity building of youth entrepreneurs and self-employed people to start businesses across the border.
The project targets creating a sustainable, interoperable and open data and knowledge exchange network between Finnish and Karelian government officials, researchers and citizen (NGOs), to tackle threats posed by invasive alien species.
The international project " EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE WATER USE" within the Karelia CBC Programme (Priority 3, Clean and comfortable region to live) has been initiated by the Swedish Karelian Business and Information Centre (SKBIC) in collaboration with a number of R
Mapping the need of workforce for the hotel, restaurant and tourism trade in North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia now and in the future, finding the best way to successfully match the manpower with the employers and a way to avoid the looming future shortage of labour for the industry.
The risk for forest and wildland-urban interface fires is acknowledged to increase, as the climate is getting warmer. The situation has direct effect on not only forest land managers, but also to the general public on the affected regions.
The project is creating a Green school model as a school addressing global environmental problems in the local community by education and practical youth-led action.
The project is aimed at fulfillment of such prioities of Karelia CBC Programme as “Increased environmental awareness” and “Improvement of peoples’ physical living environment”, pursues the following objective: living and working conditions of visitors and workers are enhanced alongside with reduc
The InterActive History project is aimed at introducing new interactive forms of interaction with visitors into the activities of museums - participants of the
Project "Joensuu-Petrozavodsk - Highway for Growth" aims to develop mutually benefiting cross-border ways of working in cross-border trade (1), twin city marketing (2) and student cooperation (3).
The project improved accessibility and compatibility of environmental monitoring data as well as increased environmental awareness of citizens, authorities and public organisation through introduction of joint approaches and principles of environmental monitoring in Finland and Karelia.
The project PeatStop brings possibilities for renewing runoff water management solutions in Karelia CBC programme area.
The objective of microproject KA1029 is to create prerequisites for the development and launch of educational programs for road industry professionals.
The Project REMAC aims to develop ecologically and economically sound sludge management concepts in smaller regional towns.
KA11022 Improvement of water resource management in the Northern Ladoga border region (WaterForLife)
It is well known that the most of the territory of Karelia is swamped - surface waters, especially small lakes and rivers are polluted by wetland humus (natural organic compounds).
Welcome to Culture Open project website!
The objective of Culture Open was to improve the sustainability and diversity of inclusive cultural services for vulnerable social groups in Petrozavodsk and Joensuu.
Name of the project: Ethno-architecture of Fennoscandia in XXI century
Project ID: KA3030
It is expected that the implementation of the project will allow conducting a study of the tourism sector in the Finnish and Russian project areas, identifying the problems and obstacles in this sector and instruments to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
Programme name:Karelia CBC Programme 2014-2020
Name of the project: Social cross-border entrepreneurship: Start-up for everyone and opportunities for all
The project «Ordinary Man in a Great War» is aimed at improvement of the infrastructure around memorials related to two countries military history of the 1940s, increase of the level of knowledge on military history and use of the gained information at the cultural events both in Russia and Finla
Kalitka – the development of cross-border gastronomic tourism
The project aims at development of cross-border gastronomic tourism for social and economic benefit of the territory by linking cross-border enterprises on the basis of cultural heritage in the national
Karelian art-residency network and art-tourism project improved the system of production of contemporary culture services and products in cross-border region through the resources of art-residency network and cross-sectoral approach.
The objective of the project is the increased business and interaction in wellness service sector across
the Karelian border. The element the project is linked to is increasing the capacity of enterprises to
Developing logistics knowledge and capabilities among small and med
The Logroad – micro project aims to identify and solve problems related to the construction of forest roads, which have negative impact on the development of the timber industry on both sides of the border.
Metalboost aims to positively influence the skills shortage problem in the metal industry. Shortage of skilled professionals has been one of the main obstacles substantial business growth.
Welcome to “Museums in focus” project (KA9021)!
The project is aimed at development of museum services and products for Chinese travelers at the regional level applying the experience of capital museums on the both sides of the border.
The aim of the project is improved availability and accessibility of the additional education services in the field of culture and art for children and youth with special needs.
This project Northern Crafts ID: Identity Development of Northern Crafts (KA8028) aims to increase opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship around handic
Nowadays many people feel lack of information about possibilities of open ecological space as well as accessible sport territories and objects for comfortable living in border areas. Tourists are not aware of places where they can go in for sports while they spend their holidays in target areas.
Welcome to PRO TROUT home page!
Please take part in our Kantele Promotion Survey!
Welcome to the PROWO Karelia CBC micro-project home page.
SPEAK BUSINESS is aimed at teaching young professionals how to speak the same language - professional business language of management projects (non-profit and business projects) in the field of social entrepreneurship and international business, and
2-year SUPER project focuses on 4
SUSWAM (Sustainable waste management in Karelia and Kainuu) project establishes cross-border cooperation in the collection, treatment and re-use of waste in targeted areas.
Existing theatre services in the cross-border region demand renewal of formats used and reorientation to youth and families with children.
TourSME is a two-year project (1.2.2020 - 31.3.2022) for cross-border business cooperation among tourism SMEs and related businesses. The main target is to improve tourism SMEs' capability to create border-crossing services for international tourists.
Main idea of the project "Waste Recycling" (Reaching congenial region through valorisation of municipal and
WasteLess Karelias addresses the problem of littering and insufficient waste management facilities in rural villages in North Karelia and the Karelian Republic.
There are several vital problems in the field of water supply and treatment in the town of Sortavala and the project aimes to solve them.
Project partners:
Lead partner –
Karelian regional institute of continuing professional education at Petrozavodsk state University