Some preliminary results of the fieldwork within the SUPER project

In July, scientists from Forest Research Institute of KarRC RAS proceeded with their field works in Vodlozersky National Park and on Kizhi Island.
In Vodlozersky NP they studied the recreation effects on soil in the tourist camping site on Rogunovo Island and Ohtoma tourist centre: soil physical and water indicators were identified. Moreover, the scientists conducted the survey of Kuganavolok village and the former landfill territories to find the invasive plant species. According to the V. Timofeeva (candidate of biological sciences), there were found two types of «plants-aggressors»: Impatiens glandulifera and Epilobium ciliatum. At the moment the plants do not pose a serious danger since they were found locally, however, it was decided to continue research during the plans flowering in August. Expedition participants continued their works on the former landfill in Kuganavolok village, after getting the research results; the experts will give the recommendation for its reclamation.
During the expedition to the Kizhi Island, the scientists conducted soil analysis of illegal dumps, which appeared spontaneously near the villages of the Kizhi skerries. According to the results, most of the landfills consisting of glass and plastic bottles are not a source of heavy metals pollution and changes in sanitary and hygienic indicators. However, in small dump soils in Telyatnikovo village (with a large amount of metal waste), an increased amount of zinc, copper and arsenic was found. Moreover, two more small illegal dumps were found near Sichy village, on one of them the boxes with batteries were found and it can be a dangerous source of pollution. Within the SUPER project, it is planned to dispose of the landfill with the help of the volunteers.