Russian Volunteers visited the Green school project

On August 7-8, 2020, volunteers from 16 Russian regions visited Matkachi outdoor educational center and Ecocenter in Petrozavodsk City.
They studied experience of Green school project and other environmental initiatives in Karelia Republic.
The visit was organized by the Russian Association of volunteer centers. Volunteers' mobility program supports knowledge exchange among volunteers and NGOs from the Russian regions.
On August 7 volunteers spent a day in Matkachi center in 20 km from Petrozavodsk. The working program opened by observing the renewable energy system installed in Matkachi center by the Green school project.
Volunteers got information about the principles of green energy. They were highly impressed by the educational impact of the Matkachi center on youth groups visiting here.
Specialists of the Green school project presented detailed information both on technical and educational parts of the renewable energy system.
Volunteers gave their feedback that Matkachi center is a unique place where young people can enjoy nature and learn more about practical steps which they can do to save the natural resources for future generations.
On August 8 Denis Rogatkin, Green school project coordinator, met with the volunteers in the Ecocenter and presented the Ecocase. The guests got information about this new tool for environmental research. They were interesed how students in Karelian and Finnish schools use the Ecocases to improve school environment.
Volunteers got practical experience of work with the tools from the Ecocase. They explored environmental problems of the Ecocenter building: measured the qulity of light, level of noise, rational use of electricity and heating.
During the final discussion volunteers shared own ideas on developing environmental education in schools. They considered the Green school project as a promising practice. Many of the volunteers were interested to follow the project activities and use some of its methods in their organizations.
Watch the video: impressions of the volunteers after the Green school project sessions
Photos and filming by Igor Podgorny, video editing by Taira Rogatkina