Webinar in Instagram about green nature best solutions in tourism
A webinar "Implementation of environmentally friendly technologies at tourist infrastructure facilities" was held on July 31st within the framework of the KA5041 project. The seminar was conducted by Alexander Berdino from the Energy Efficiency Center, which is one of the project partners. The webinar took place live via Instagram. It was held with the assistance of the Tourism Information Center of the Republic of Karelia, also a partner of the project.
The topic of the speech was of interest and relevant to many of the leaders and specialists of tourism enterprises who gathered at their monitors - how to provide heat and electricity to remote objects of tourist infrastructure (camp sites, guest houses, etc.).
Various types of environmentally friendly equipment were considered feasible for use in such cases: solar panels, solar collectors, heat pumps, dry toilets.
During the webinar, experience gained in Karelia and how to choose the right equipment if there is an intention to introduce modern technologies was shared with the audience.
The topic of the webinar generated a lot of interest with 238 views on Instagram.
The record of the performance (in Russian) is available here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CDTnco9D0j7/?igshid=1gh094zmhtml5