Videos of the pilots sites and solutions are available!

Videos of the energy and material efficiency learning sites for small accommodation facilities have been published on Youtube!
CBC NatureBesT -project implemented various energy and resource efficiency solutions at tourism accommodation facilities in Finland (North Karelia province) and Russia (Republic of Karelia). The facilities where the varying energy and resource efficiency improvements were done now act as pilot learning sites.
You can get acquainted with the various site-specific solutions done and listen to the entrepreneurs’ feedback and thoughts by watching the videos of the pilot solutions. The videos describe the starting situation - what the challenge in each of the sites was, shows how the solution was implemented and finally lets the entrepreneurs describe how the solution has improved the situation in the start. The videos on Finnish side are in Finnish but you can choose either English or Russian subtitles. The Russian videos have the option to choose English subtitles.
You can also visit the sites to learn first-hand about solutions that interest you. Our pilot learning sites in Finland are located within North Karelia province and these are Laitalan Lomat facility in Karhunpää village (water saving), Erä-Eero in Lieksa city (off-grid energy solutions; hydro and solar energy) and Kolin Keidas in Koli National Park (dry toilet functionality and maintenance). On Russian side learning sites are the Urozero training center and the Segezha hotel complex.
Descriptions of the Finnish sites have also been added to Energialoikka (an online service that encourages all Finns to adopt resource-saving, cleaner and more energy-efficient ways of heating, moving and producing goods and services): Erä-Eero, Kolin Keidas and Laitalan lomat.
Note: Our guidebook Ratkaisuja matkailuyrityksille energia- ja materiaalitehokkuuteen (In Finnish) also offers range of solutions in more detail with real case examples. There is also English compilation and Russian translation of this guidebook. There is also another guidebook specifically made for Russian entrepreneurs: Экологически и экономически целесообразные решения для снижения негативного воздействия на окружающую среду.