In Segezha hotel complex work has begun to reduce the negative impact on the environment

Project NatureBeST KA5041 is implemented in partnership with a number of Russian and Finnish organizations. One of the important partners is Velena LLC, the owner of the Segezha hotel complex.
Within the framework of the project at two Karelian pilot tourism objects modern environmental solutions will be implemented in practice. One of such facilities is the Segezha hotel complex. Despite the difficulties associated with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the travel industry, the company was able to withstand them and resumed its work in June. Moreover, while the flow of tourists was limited, the work on the project did not stop, and with the help of a specialized engineer organization, an assessment and calculations were made for those nature-saving measures that could be implemented in the hotel complex.
A full energy audit was carried out and proposals for possible technical solutions were prepared. Among them are the reconstruction of the heat supply system with the installation of a new heating point with automation of regulation, a recuperation system in the food block, as well as the installation of grease traps for wastewater.
Currently, the owners of the company are determined with the decision that will be implemented in practice and in the second half of the summer they plan to start reconstruction of the facility.