Opening seminar of the InterActive History cross-border cooperation project
On December 11-13, 2018 Petrozavodsk hosted an opening seminar of the InterActive History project and brought together Russian and Finnish partners and participants from Joensuu, Ilomantsi, Outokumpu, Olonets, Kurkijoki and Petrozavodsk.
Minister of culture of the Republic of Karelia Alexey Lesonen opened the seminar. Mia Häyrinen, assistant of the Petrozavodsk office of the Consulate General of Finland and Dmitri Bazegski, head of the Petrozavodsk Branch Office of the Karelia CBC Programme also greeted the participants.
A busy agenda of the seminar included presentations by leading scientists in history, archeology and architecture on cultural and historic local heritage sites of Karelia and Finland, presentations by experts in design, information technologies and building exhibitions, and good practices of heritage presentation and promotion by different means, including multimedia and theater. Intensive group work was moderated by experts from Moscow, Samara and Petrozavodsk and gathered together museum professionals, architects, designers and developers.
Meetings and negotiations between the project participants and invited experts also took place during the seminar. A preliminary agreement on cooperation was reached with the Theater Crossroads project which is also funded through the Karelia CBC Programme.
Three days of intensive work provided museum professionals from Finland and Karelia and invited researchers and experts with valuable experience of effective interaction with partners and subcontractors and contributed greatly to the progress in developing and specifying further plans on creation and introduction of new museum programs through the InterActive History project.