NatureBeST study tour to Finland
On June 17-20, 2019, within the framework of the project KA5041 “Green Nature Based Solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment” (NatureBeST) the study tour to North Karelia region (Finland) was arranged.
Ten Russian representatives took part in the tour. In addition to the Russian participants, six Finnish participants took part in the trip. From the Finnish side, the training was organized and accompanied by representatives of partner organizations of the project - Center for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of North Karelia and Finnish Environment Institute.
The main topics of the tour were issues of energy and resource saving, various ways to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The most effective and innovative approaches in the field of water supply and sanitation, heating, collection and disposal of waste, the use of alternative energy sources for tourist accommodation were studied.
In the beginning of the tour an introductory seminar was held, where participants were introduced with Finnish legislation and the theoretical basis for solving problems of reducing the negative impact on the environment. Then the group during two days visited seven tourist accommodation facilities in Ilomantsi, Koli and Joensuu areas. Each of the objects was interesting from one or another point of view in solving problems in efficient use of energy, water, safe for the nature sewage systems, the use of alternative energy sources. A plus of the program was the fact that the facilities were different in the number of tourists accommodated, the dates of construction, the possibilities of using centralized communications.
The final round table completed the trip, at which the participants could ask the remaining questions, discuss the results of the internship, share their opinions and leave recommendations for further improvement of teamwork.
Summing up the tour Russian participants noted the high level of study tour management and an interesting program developed by Finnish partners.
One of the next stages of the project will be study tour of the Finnish representatives of tourist companies to the Republic of Karelia. Many Russian participants gladly invited to visit their guest houses and recreation centers during this visit to Karelia.