Green School of the NatureBeST project took place at the educational center Urozero
On March 23, the next "Green School" for students of PetrSU and entrepreneurs of the tourism sector was held in the educational and health center "Urozero". The school was devoted to the application of green technologies for tourist accommodation in Finland and the Republic of Karelia and was held within the framework of the Karelia Cross-Border Cooperation Program KA5041 "Green Nature Best Solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment" (NatureBeST).
More than forty participants took part in the School, including students and teachers of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Institute of Forestry, Mining and Construction Sciences, as well as representatives of touristic companies. While welcoming the participants, the head of the NatureBeST project Sergey Koshelev spoke about the project and the experience of using green technologies in Urozero as a pilot facility, after which the participants got acquainted on the territory of the educational and health center with already implemented green technical solutions, such as centralized electric heating systems in two cottages center, automated temperature control systems in several buildings, reconstructed cold water supply and sewerage systems, roof of one of the cottages insulated with modern heat-insulating materials (presentation attached). Thanks to innovations in the Urozero educational center, 790,000 rubles have been saved over the past year.
After a break, the audience gathered again in the recently renovated conference hall of the center (also thanks to one of the projects of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program) to take part in the second part of the School - a Karelian-Finnish webinar on the practical application of green technologies for tourist accommodation.