The selection of the Growing cross-border business cooperation and Clean and comfortable region to live projects of the Karelia CBC Programme was confirmed by the Joint Monitoring Committee today in Helsinki. Nine business and eleven environment applications are proceeding to the contracting phase.
Growing cross-border business cooperation
"Boosting Forest Cluster SME Business in two Karelias" Natural Resources Institute Finland (KA4002): Increasing cross-border business activities and cooperation of SMEs in forest cluster.
"Kalitka – the development of cross-border gastronomic tourism", Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KA4007): Developing cross-border gastronomic tourism for social and economic benefit of the territory by linking cross-border enterprises on the basis of cultural heritage in the national cuisine.
"Advanced forest nursery", University of Eastern Finland (KA4011): Developing an innovative model of the forest nursery business in Karelia based on the best Finnish practices.
"Joensuu - Petrozavodsk 'Highway for Growth'", Joensuu Regional Development Company JOSEK Ltd (KA4017): Improving working models for the development of cross-border business between Joensuu region and Petrozavodsk city.
"Reaching congenial region through valorisation of municipal and industrial waste waters and sludge", University of Oulu (KA4020): Commecialization models for different wastewater-based recycled fertilizer products in Finland and Russia.
"Business for Youngsters", Karelian regional youth Center (KA4022): Reinforcing capacity building of youth entrepreneurs and self-employed people to start businesses across the border
"Cross-border Investment Navigator for Monocities", Karelian Regional Institute of Continuing Professional Education of Petrozavodsk State University (KA4032): Reinforcing cross- border investment opportunities resulting from the diversification of monocities and global industrial modernisation trends.
"Cross Border Business Opportunities Creation Empowered by Modern IT and IoT Technologies", Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences (KA4033): Creating cross-border business opportunities for Aqua-Culture SMEs through adaptation of innovative IoT and Modern Information Technologies.
"SPEAK BUSINESS: STRATEGIC PLANNING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR CROSS-BORDER AREAS", Karelian Education Development Fund (KA4049): Improving business management skills for establishing and promotion of cross-border cooperation in the field of social entrepreneurship and business.
Clean and comfortable region to live
"URBAN PARKS - Urban Parks & Benefits in Kajaani & Kostamus", Metsähallitus, Parks& Wildlife Finland (KA5000): Developing the urban parks of Kajaani and Kostamus as a well-known concept of coalition of natural and cultural values and urban recreation.
"Diverse and clean forests- successful bioeconomy", Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) (KA5002): Increasing knowledge and awareness on the environmental factors controlling yields and health-promoting compounds of non-wood forest products (NWFP; berries and other valuable plant species) during the life cycle of managed forests.
"WasteLess Karelias", University of Eastern Finland (KA5013): Improving cleanliness of rural village landscapes and people's physical living environment.
"Joint cross-border environmental monitoring system", Autonomous non-profit organisation Energy Efficiency Centre (KA5016): Increasing the environmental awareness of the people and organizations on the both sides of the border.
"Green School", Karelian Education Development Fund (KA5030): Increasing positive impact of schools on the environmental awareness and promotion of green standards in the local communities.
"Sustainability Under Pressure: Environmental Resilience in natural and cultural heritage areas with intensive recreation", Non-profit Partnership "Centre for Problems of the North, Arctic and Cross-border Cooperation" (North-Centre) (KA5033): Improving environmental resilience of the target areas of the project.
"Education for Sustainable Water Use", Swedish-Karelian Business and Information Centre (KA5038): Launching a system of efficient water use education in Petrozavodsk, Joensuu and Kitee.
"Green Nature Based Solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment (NatureBeST)", Karelian Regional Institute of Continuing Professional Education of Petrozavodsk State University (KA5041): Enhancing environmental effectiveness of tourist enterprises in the cross-border region through ecological and economically sound solutions.
"Cross-border tools for biodiversity hotspots preservation via monitoring and prevention of forest fires along Russian-Finnish border", Natural Resources Institute Finland (KA5051): Improving preservation of cross-border forest biodiversity.
"Green Solutions for Nature Protected Areas", ANO Energy Efficiency Centre (KA5043): Enhancing the living and working conditions of visitors and workers alongside with reduction of negative environmental impact at the territories of Protected Areas participating in the project.
"Collaborative Data and Information Exchange Network for Managing Invasive Alien Species", Finnish Environment Institute (KA5046): Increasing the knowledge about problems, prevention and eradication methods of invasive alien species to the people, organizations and government officials on the both sides of the border.
The total amount of the requested funding of selected applications is 4,8 MEUR for Growing cross-border business cooperation and 5,8 MEUR for Clean and comfortable region to live.
The contracting negotiations with the selected applicants will be launched in January 2018. However, the contracts can't be signed before the Financing Agreement has been ratified.
The next calls for proposals are expected to be launched in autumn 2018.
Additional information:
Programme Director Marko Ruokangas, marko.ruokangas[at]