Second monitoring season started on Koitajoki and Tohmajoki
At the turn of April-May started second monitoring season in the project TohmaKoita. First we visited Tohmajoki on both the Finnish and Russian sides at the same time to collect water samples. Meeting the locals gives good opportunity to share information about the projectThe weather was very varying - from snowfall to warm sun.
On the Finnish side of Tohmajoki
Meanwhile at Russian part of Tohmajoki
Second step was visit on flooding Koitajoki. Koitajoki is bigger than Tohmajoki, and it really showed us the power of spring flood.
And the final step of start was to find new place, where it is possible to collect willow moss for heavy metall collectors. Namely we noticed, that on the upstream of the Sukkulanjoki there has been forest fellings, which has risen the level of heavy metals on the rive. Hence the moss of Sukkulanjoki is not anymore useable to our purposes.
When it came to finding moss, Sukkulanjoki disappointed us. But seeing the beauty of waking summer gave us today the pleasure of the work.