InterActive History project in Kurkijoki
In March 2019 the team of the InterActive History project visited the village of Kurkijoki, one of the project locations.
Kurkijoki is one of the most important places for archaeologists of Russia and Finland. In the late XIXth century an ancient burial site, the so-called Viking Grave, was excavated on Linnavuori-Lopotti fort hill. It contained warrior weapons and female adornments. During the next 130 years Finnish and Russian archaeologists made a number of discoveries in Kurkijoki which were very important for the history of Karelia.
In the course of the InterActive History project the exhibition on archaeology in the Kurkijoki museum will be renewed and the visitor infrastructure near the museum will be improved. Direction and tourist signs will be designed and placed, including signs to mark the key points of the museum tourist route on fort hill Linnavuori-Lopotti.
In Kurkijoki the project team together with the local museum staff studied the museum exhibition, discussed the action plan for its renewal and renovation of premises and the deadlines. They visited Linnavuori-Lopotti fort hill and examined the surrounding area near the museum to point out places for direction and tourist signs. The project team also met with local craftspeople, discussed the upcoming summer events in Kurkijoki and possible participation of the local community in project activities.