"Museums in focus" at the international Tourism Exhibition MITT

In March the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia presented the results of the "Museums in Focus" project in Moscow at the international tourism exhibition MITT*, one of the largest specialized exhibitions in Russia and neighboring countries. For three days the project team presented the new tourist products created within the project in Karelia as well as in Finland to one of the main target audiences - representatives of travel agencies, accommodation facilities, tour operators and organizers of corporate trips and events.
Karelia is considered to be a MUST SEE place with convenient transport accessibility and unique authentic culture. Finland is very popular as well. Tourists are waiting with great anticipation for opening the borders to travel to our neighbors.
Dmitry Rodionov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Karelia for Economic Affairs, took part in the business program of the tourism exhibition. He visited the exhibition stand of Karelia, talked with the participants, and inspired them for further work.
The Museum of Fine Arts of Karelia expresses the gratitude to the Development Corporation of the Republic of Karelia and the Information Tourist Center of the Republic of Karelia for the opportunity to join the exhibition stand of the Republic of Karelia under the "Legendary Karelia" brand.
See the video about MITT exhibition and the video about the project "Museums in focus" at MITT exibition on YouTube channel of the Museum of Fine Arts of Karelia.
*The MITT exhibition contributes to the development of the Russian regional tourism market and the strengthening of international cooperation, creates a business space for communication of specialists in the tourism industry all over the world. Every year, MITT attracts the largest audience of representatives of the travel industry from Russian regions and world wide.