"Museums in focus" on the annual scientific and practical conference

Submitted by KA9021 on

In December the Karelian Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration organized the annual regional scientific and practical conference "Modern Challenges in the Development of Municipalities: Social, Economic, Legal Aspects", in which federal and regional experts, representatives of state and municipal authorities, local government, public organizations discussed a wide range of topical issues.

Over 150 participants took part in the conference, including scientists and students from the Presidential Academy branches in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, representatives of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Karelia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Karelia, and public organizations.

The conference consisted of 5 sections. In the section "International cooperation as a resource for the territory development" the KA9021 project manager, Tatiana Saltykova, shared her experience in the development and creation of services and products for foreign tourists using the example of the project "Museums in Focus: the Development of Cultural Services for Chinese Tourists".

The conference is an important event in the life of the Republic of Karelia. The main purpose of it is the exchange of best practices and knowledge in the social sphere, economics and management.


PROJECT DIARY http://artmuseum.karelia.ru/projects/muzei-v-fokuse-razvitie-kulturnyh-servisov-dlya-kitajskih-turistov-ka9021/

PHOTOS https://vk.com/album-4852062_270866073

Project Manager: Tatyana Saltykova

Project PR manager: Latkina Irina Nikolaevna

Tel. for communication: +7 (8142) 784003

The project is financed by the European Union, Finland and Russia.