Master classes of the project "New horizons of culture"
How wonderful that you can escape from the busy rhythm of our life by doing creative work. Such an activity can be working with paints: creating paintings.
At the same time, it is not important to have a lot of experience, the quality of the material and the drawing technique. The process itself is important. It is fascinating and addictive, because adults can also do it: parents and teachers, as well as children, at an Amateur or professional level. Working with paints calms, reveals creativity, promotes perseverance, imagination, and has an "art-therapeutic effect".
Probably, many modern parents have heard about the benefits of fine motor skills. The fact is that the fingers have a huge number of receptors that send impulses to the brain, and in the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located very close. Therefore, when a child works with pens, the corresponding parts of the brain that are responsible for speech, thinking and other mental processes are activated.
On November 23 and 26, master classes for parents were held at the Karelian Institute of education development. They were prepared and conducted by the teacher - mentor M. A. Tsyganova-Avdeenko.
Maria has been working at SBI RK "Special (correctional) comprehensive boarding school № 23" R. Karelia Petrozavodsk a teacher of fine arts and social orientation, work experience of 17 years. It teaches children with visual impairment, with intellectual disability (type VII-VIII), with mental disorders. "There are no obstacles to creativity!"- this is the motto of the mentor. Under this motto, Maria Anatolyevna creates and conducts master classes
This is how she developed and demonstrated virtual master classes.
The master class "Holiday pie" is dedicated to the International day of all mothers. Every parent with a child, following the developed algorithm for working with plasticine, will be able to prepare in an original way for the congratulations of their dear mothers.
Master-class "Winter flower" allows you to create the miracle of flowers painted in gouache
The master class "Portrait of a mother" helps everyone to draw exactly their favorite mother.
The result of the master classes exceeded all expectations. Each participant got their own picture, their own "masterpiece"!
Smiles and moments of happiness were visible on their faces... even under masks!