Kantele master-class in Petrozavodsk

Kantele master class for beginners took place in Petrozavodsk on 20 August 2021.
The participants of the master class traveled a long way from the Republic of Karelia and Finland to get to know kantele playing technique with the help of a kantele teacher Svetlana Kobeleva.
Representatives of the cultural centre Kulttuurikeskus "Nadezhda" in Savonlinna Nadezhda Imatova (the founder of the centre), Nadezhda Palonen (art director), Albert Imatov, Olga Chevskaya, Leonard Imatov, Anna Imatova and a music teacher Aleksandra Markova from the Muezersky district music school gave very positive feedback on the master class in social media.
Kantele teacher Svetlana Kobeleva offered melodies by Antti Rantanen ("Engelska eli sutiputi") and Sari Kaasinen ("Tähtitanssi", "Pumpulia") and mainly focused on the arm position of a kantele player and a plucking technique.
The Kantele-GO! project is grateful to Svetlana Kobeleva and Alevtina Voitovich for their contribution in arranging the master class.
Project partners: The Karelian National Song and Dance Ensemble Kantele (Russia), University of Eastern Finland, Runosong Academy (Finland), National School of Arts named after V. Kalaberda of Pryazha District (Russia).
The Kantele-GO! project is financed by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland within the framework of the Karelia CBC Programme.