Kantele-GO! in the INTERREG Inspiring video

The Kantele-GO! project contributed to the celebratory video that was produced for the 30th anniversary of INTERREG!
The video contains fragments from cross-border cooperation projects funded by the European Commission over the years and having an artistic dimension:
Italy – Slovenia “GO! Borderless Dance Performance“
Finland - Russia “Kantele-GO!“
Ireland - UK “Beyond Skin – Orchestra of change”
Latvia – Belarus “Daugavpils and Vitebsk: Cultural Cooperation and Development II”
Belgium - Germany – Netherlands “Euregio Saxophone Orchestra”
Italy - Croatia “Soundscape“
Finnish folk song “Eriskummainen kantele,” performed by Minna Raskinen, Hanna Ryynänen and Ensemble ”Kantele”, appears in the Interreg Inspiring Video from 00:42 till 00:56.
This video will be used specifically in the context of the communication campaign for the 30th anniversary of Interreg, and more generally for any other purposes by the European Commission on websites or other EU information tools, such as social media or electronic publications.
Project partners: The Karelian National Song and Dance Ensemble Kantele (Russia), University of Eastern Finland, Runosong Academy (Finland), National School of Arts named after V. Kalaberda of Pryazha District (Russia).
The Kantele-GO! project is financed by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland within the framework of the Karelia CBC Programme.