"Kantele-Go!" has become a matter of interest during the Days of Karelia in Moscow

The Kantele Ensemble represented the Republic of Karelia in Moscow on September 12, 2019 within the cultural event called the Days of Karelia in Moscow. The musicians from Petrozavodsk gave two concerts and were warmly greeted by Moscow residents and guests. Those who were interested in kantele performing development in Karelia and Finland joined the Round table on kantele performing issues on September 13, 2019. The participants of the Round table that took place in the Russian National House of Folk Art, discussed the perspective of kantele instrument development and got acquainted with the first year results of the Kantele-Go! project supported by the Karelia CBC program. Among the main topics were the kantele master-course held in Finland in June 2019 and a future concert tour in Karelia and Finland in October 2019. The concert program will be developed at the joint music workshop with the help of top Finnish kantele performers and teachers and presented in at least 6 cities along the Finnish – Russian border.