New article
New article on the treatment methods of Petrozavodsk area wastewater sludge have just been published in Resources and Technology, the scientific journal of PetrSU.
One year research showed that the dynamics of temperature indicators did not reveal differences in temperature between compostable mixtures embedded in the summer, winter and demi-season periods of the year. The sludge was mixed with bark in a ratio of 1: 1 by weight of the dry matter content. Results indicate that the treatment process can be intensified by supplementing it with a mixing system and preliminary heating of the soil, which provides the required level of compost disinfection. At the same time, the compost ripening period is reduced by 3-4 months. The resulting soil is implemented during the improvement of urban areas. Analysis for the presence of heavy metals and radioactive elements showed that their maximum allowable concentrations were not exceeded.
Link to the paper (in Russian):