Online database of filmmakers (Russia and Finland)
LOKKI team in now working on online database of professional filmmakers.
The idea is to help filmmakers from Russia and Finland to find each other and to work together.
According to the analysis there is a great interest in joint project on both side of the border but filmmakers don't have any information about each other.
This database should help them to solve this problem.
The main question is how to find professionals in 2 countries?
Lokki team uses complex approach:
- Karelia cinematographers Union and East Finlanf film comission have their own database.
- Other project partners also have their own contact
- There are also some unknown yong filmmakers and they can be found only through parsing .
For this purpose LOKKI team created a Python based parser able co collect young filmmakers from Russian social media (VK).
In Finland such work in limited due to the General Data Protection Regulation so partners from Finland collect information only in Facebook in the limited amount.
On the picture you can see draft version of this databese. It is under development and will be avaliable soon.