SUPER project on the VI International conference «Prospects for socio-economic development of border regions»

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Participants of VI International conference «Prospects for socio-economic development of border regions»

On September, 27 Karelian Karelian Research Centre RAS was hosting the VI International conference «Prospects for socio-economic development of border regions». The event was devoted to the issues of social and economic development of border regions, cross-border cooperation, tourism, etc.

Within the Conference and CBC «Karelia» project «WasteLess Karelias» the Round table «The shaping of new routine environmental culture norms» was organized on September, 28. The invited participants from the SUPER project were the employees of Kizhi Museum – Maria Teratcuiantc and Yuri Protasov; Timo Hokkanen, CEDTENK; and from Association «North-centre» – Alexandra Smirnova and Alexandra Efimova. The round table started from the presentations of Finnish Environment Institute (Joensuu) representatives Kati Pitkänen and Taru Peltola, they told the participants about waste management and recycling in rural Finland; Yuri Protasov presented the SUPER project and described the waste management methods for Kizhi Island. Moritz Albrecht and GlebYarovoy touched upon the new Russian Waste legislation and its implementation in Karelian ruralities. Within the second part of the round table representatives of regional and municipal authorities, Republic of Karelia regional municipal solid waste operator, recyclable waste collection and processing companies, eco-projects experts, eco-activists and students discussed the waste management issues with the special attention paid to the rural areas.

Thanks to the Institute of Economics, Karelian Research Centre RAS and project «WasteLess Karelias» for the fruitful work and round table organization!

Karelian Research Centre RAS, Igor Georgievskiy