Advanced forest nursery (KA4011)

Finland and the Republic of Karelia are the forest regions of Eastern Europe amount altogether over 30 million hectares of the forestland area. Forests in Finland and Karelia are a source not only for raw material to the large-scale industry but also have a role to play for means and objects of small and medium enterprises, such as forest nurseries. Forest nurseries provide planting material for better forest regeneration that is important in terms of sustainable forest management. Forest nurseries in Finland and Karelia have a different operational environment and they are doing own course of development. However, there are a number of problems and challenges, which could be facilitated through cooperative efforts. 



Expected changes
• Innovate nursery technology and practice in Karelia to produce cost-efficient and high-quality planting material, which is suitable for intensive and sustainable forest regeneration and management;
• Open a totally new operational area in the Republic of Karelia that could be used by Finnish nursery enterprises to struggle the situation on the market of planting material in Finland;
• Allocate existing resources that could be used for sustainable development of nursery enterprises in Finland and Karelia.
Target groups:
- Finnish nurseries' owners
- Karelian state forest management authorities
- Karelian forest business enterprises
- students of the profile high schools
- researchers
- forest land renters
- forest landowners
- silviculture business
- high schools (University)
- research institutions
Main results:
- Construction of the demo nursery in Karelia with use of the best Scandinavian technologies and practices  
- Guidebook for transboundary Forest Nursery business development
- Production of high-quality seedlings for the Karelian market
Approaches, type of activities
(1) Feasibility analysis including Cost and Benefit Assessment of the nursery enterprising in Karelia in terms of sustainable forestry;
(2) A critical review study of nursery enterprising in Finland looking for an exit from the stagnation;
(3) Practical seminars on acquaintance and sharing experience in nursery management in Finland and Karelia;
(4) Preparatory works for the construction of demo nursery;
(5) Field experiments on use of a substrate with different composition and structure, and supplementary fertilizer spray of vegetative origin;
(6) collect genetically improved seeds;
(7) Dissemination of project results
(8) Development of the design and cost estimate for the demo nursery complex
(9) On-the-job training of the personal
(10) Use of improved substrate
(11) Arrangement of planting the grown seedlings in the all-Russian day of forest planting
(12) Arrangement study practices for students to acquaint with innovative technologies
(13) Development of cost-efficient cultivation methods for improving tree nursery business performance;   
(14) Business plan development for the diversification of the Finnish-Russian tree nursery business, joint business plan for the Finnish-Russian nursery development

Lead Partner: University of Eastern Finland (Finland) 

                             Leader of the project: Ari Pappinen, e-mail:

                             Project Coordinator: Aki Villa, e-mail:

                             Responsible for Publicity: Erik Kaipiainen.


Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)     

                              Contact person: Boris Raevsky, e-mail:

Limited Liability Company "Lesnoe bureau "Partner" (Russia)                                       

                              Contact person: Puteshov Sergei, e-mail:

Pohjan Taimi Ltd. (Finland)                           

                              Contact person: Rauno Kataja, e-mail:

Taimitarha Timo Korhonen Ltd. (Finland)                               

                              Contact person: Timo Korhonen, e-mail:


Social pages:

TWITTER - Advanced forest nursery

LinkedIn - Advanced forest nursery

Facebook - Advanced forest nursery