Two new collection points under construction in Naistenjärvi

Since the first days of September two new collection points are under construction in Naistenjärvi, Karelian Republic. Every of these two collection points will be equiped with four containers for mixed waste. Two collection points will cover about 10% of the village’s need for organized waste collection. All collected waste will be transported to the district dump near Suojarvi, so there will be less littering of the nearby forest. Both collection points (a metal construction with a roof and a door) should be ready by the mid-October.
The next step is to provide the village with more containers, so that all villagers have a collection point, or container point, nearby. This was already done in Porosozero, one of the neighbouring villages.
— If there will be 50 or more containers in Naistenjärvi, we will provide the village with a separate specialized garbage truck. This is much more practical since there will be no need to drive every time for 45 kilometers from Soujärvi to Naistenjärvi to collect waste. The truck will stay in Naistenjärvi and will only transport waste to the dump when is full, — said Ivan Kopeyko, Orion Ltd (a local subcontractor company responsible for waste management) director to WLK team.
Also, a place for the future installation of waste sorting container in Naistenjärvi was defined. We will discuss all the final details with Kalypso company during the round table meeting in Petrozavodsk on September 27, 2019.
Collection point #1, Mira str. (before reconstruction)
Collection point #1, Mira str. (during reconstruction)
Collection point #2, Zavodskaya str. (before reconstruction)
Collection point #2, Zavodskaya str. (during reconstruction)