Theatre, cinema and waste-related workshops for families by WasteLess Karelias

WasteLess project had busy days at the end of march, when events that had been postponed due to corona finally took place. Lot of happy faces were seen when children met Plaudite science family and turned waste materials into robots in workshops.
All classes from 1 to 6 and preschool from Itä-Suomen koulu took part in science theatre show and learned about different forms of energy and waste management and their environmental effects. During show pupils also had chance to tell their own views about waste. After show in different workshops pupils made crafts and biowaste bags from recycled textiles, cardboard and newspapers.
Next day on Childrens Saturday -event families had chance to see movie Wall-E, witch tells a memorable story about waste collecting robot and its adventures on future world. After movie families made animations and crafts with waste materials and planted peas. Event was organized in co-operation with Teatteri-Traktori and Pohjois-Karjalan elokuvayhdistys.