Interim results of the project “Ethno-architecture of Fennoskandia in XXI century”

Interim results of the project were presented on the meetings of the Coordination Council for the property "Kizhi Pogost" and the Public Council of the Kizhi Museum.
Working meetings with the project partners and the international workshop “Training of specialists in the field of cultural heritage conservation in Russia and Finland” were conducted in Oulu in February, 2019 as the first project activities.
Two groups of students from Petrozavodsk State University and Vocational College of Oulu participated in the educational program of the training center of the Kizhi Museum. The groups had lectures and practical training. In June students came back to Kizhi Island to continue studying of laser scanning. Practical training on laser scanning and fixation of historic buildings was held on the Church of Intercession, in Oyatevcshina village and Kurgenitsy village. 29 students took part in the training courses.
Festival of Carpenters was held on Kizhi Island for the first time (10-12 of June). 7 teams from Karelia, Archangelsk and Irkutsk districts, Finland and Germany (26 persons). The team from Karelia “Exiton” won the first prize and the team of Vocational College of Oulu (Finland) won the People’s Choice Award.
Study tour around Karelia and Archangelsk district was held in July. In the framework of the expedition the participants visited 9 historic settlements in Karelia and Archangelsk district. The participants studied the settlements, where active people work in the direction of preservation and development of historic settlements with the wooden architecture.
The ICCROM course “Wooden architecture conservation and restoration” was held (August, 26- September, 14). 15 specialists from 14 countries participated in the ICCROM course. All of them are experienced specialists, that’s why they didn’t only studied but taught each other, shared experience and best practices in the sphere of restoration of wooden architecture.
Within the project the research of the historic settlements of the Kizhi area is being conducted. The main goal of the research is to find ways and perspectives for historic villages development. In the result of the research the picture of life in historic villages of the Kizhi area was formed. The main problems and perspective of development were specified.
Also the specialists of the Kizhi Museum conducted the research in the National Archive of Finland (Helsinki). The research goal is to study the materials of the finish professor Lars Peterson, who during the II World made cataloguing of wooden churches and chapels of the part of the Republic of Karelia, which was occupied by the Finnish army.
The Kizhi Museum specialists studied 35 boxes, more than 2500 photo-negatives and phots. They found amazing materials which will be the basis for the publication of an album about villages and churches of the Kizhi area. The album will be published in 2020.