New entrance area for the Karelian Museum

Submitted by KA9021 on
entrance area

Getting into a new place, the first thing we see is an entrance area, which atmosphere immediately makes an impression on us. And it is very important if the first impression is positive and bright. The Museum of Fine Arts of Karelia is located in the center of Petrozavodsk in the historic building of the 18th century, which has a stately facade. once inside, one can see a spacious hall, where guests can not only leave their outerwear and buy tickets, but also participate in the exhibition opening ceremonies, get all the necessary information and buy souvenirs.

More than 50 thousands guests all over the world visit the museum annually. This year, when the borders happen to be closed, it is a goodntime to modernise the museum entrance area and to create a comfortable environment for guests, as well as special conditions for receiving Chinese tourists, the flow of which, according to forecasts, will increase.

A team of museum specialists conducted an analysis of weaknesses and vulnerabilities, identified the difficulties that visitors can face in the entrance area. A group of designers from Petrozavodsk was involved in the modernisation process and they had a number of tasks - to expand the hall visually, transform the checkout area, make the wardrobe more compact and functional, create convenient storage space for visitors' personal things, expand the area for souvenirs shelves and create convenient and understandable navigation in three languages ​​- Russian, English and Chinese.

In July and August complex measurements of the entrance area, its constituent elements, furniture and equipment were carried out, a comprehensive technical assignment for designers was developed, work began on the creation of a 3D visualization of the space, the development of a new style, and the selection of equipment to order.

Such innovations became possible thanks to the project KA9021 "Museums in focus: development of cultural services for Chinese tourists" (PPP "Karelia" 2014-2020, funded by the European Union, Finland and Russia), aimed at creating museum services and products for Chinese tourists at the regional level.

In autumn the museum will open its doors and the first thing that guests will see is a modern, functional hall, which from the first sight will impress all the visitors with its cozy atmosphere and comfortable space.




Project Manager: Tatyana Saltykova

Project PR manager: Latkina Irina Nikolaevna

Tel. for communication: +7 (8142) 784003

The project is financed by the European Union, Finland and Russia.