Webinars for craftsmen have started

Quarantine and self-isolation time brought by unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 offered to start our project webinars earlier than was scheduled originally. The series of thematic webinars for Russian-speaking target groups of the project has started with the topic Potential of Tourism for the Development of Handicrafts. The expert of this webinar Elena Bagaeva has a life-long experience in ethnocultural tourism and cross-border projects, she is director of the touristic company Karelika - one of the project partners of Northern Crafts ID. Are the touristic companies supposed to form a good taste for handicrafts? What kinds of handicrafts are attractive for the tourists? What are the challenges for the local tourism and crafts sectors in the era of coronavirus? These and other important questions were addressed by the webinar speaker and participants.
The recorded version of the webinar is available on the Youtube channel of the lead partner Association "Echo". More webinars will be announced shortly, they will cover such topics as branding of handicrafts, community impact of handicrafts, handicrafts as intangible cultural heritage and handicrafts and design.
Earlier project partners on the Russian side held an online presentation of Northern Crafts ID and moderated an interactive discussion with the target groups about the definition of handicrafts, the role of museums in preserving and developing of handicrafts and other relevant topics. This presentation and discussion is available on Youtube.