Johannes Puukki, Consul General, visited the Kantele House

Director of the Petrozavodsk office of the Consulate General of Finland, Consul General Johannes Puukki visited the Kantele House.
Recently published collections of kantele plays and exercises were presented to Johannes Puukki during his visit. "Pohjolan värejä" by Valentina Matveeva and "Essential Daily Exercises to Develop Kantele Technique" by Toivo Vainonen were published by the Karelia CBC Kantele - GO! project.
Project partners: The Karelian National Song and Dance Ensemble Kantele (Russia), University of Eastern Finland, Runosong Academy (Finland), National School of Arts named after V. Kalaberda of Pryazha District (Russia).
The Kantele-GO! project is financed by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland within the framework of the Karelia CBC Programme.