Interesting lectures for interesting people

Last year Olga Sevan – the famous Russian scientist, the Candidate of Architecture, the Honoured Cultural Worker of Russia, the member of some international organizations – read course of 8 lectures on the theme “Wooden architecture of Russia: history and present time”. The discussion was mainly devoted to the buildings of the Russian North, European and Russian experience of creation of the open-air museums, socio-cultural researches of rural settlements and small towns, and also analysis of work of the modern Russian architects and organizations in the sphere of wooden constructions.
The lectures were organized for the museum employees and students of Petrozavodsk State University.
This is a great fortune for the museum that the world-famous scientist, devoted her life to wooden architecture research, worked for 2 years in the Kizhi Museum on the project “Ethnoarchitecture of Fennoskandia in XXI century”.
Together with the local resident – Victor Tumanovsky - under her guidance cross-disciplinary materials, concerning history, socio-cultural and architectural situation, problems and ways of development of villages were collected within the project and historic villages research. This work will be used by the Kizhi Museum and the local government.
The lectures increased level of students’ education and specialists’ qualification. The museum will use these materials on history of wooden architecture, museums and modern wooden architecture in its future work.