Karelia, Kolarctic and South-East Finland - Russia CBC Programmes conducted an evaluation of five border crossing point development projects (Imatra, Vaalimaa, Vainikkala, Vartius, and Raja-Jooseppi) financed under these CBC programmes.
The evaluation examined the projects using the five standard evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. In addition, the evaluation assessed the added value of the projects in terms of cross-border cooperation and border crossings and the added value to the respective programme and its area. Furthermore, cross-cutting issues of environmental sustainability and gender equality were also considered.
According to the evaluation, the Vartius border crossing point improvement project has been successfully implemented. Some delays have however been experienced in terms of the delivery and installation of the Customs equipment. The project has already fulfilled and even exceeded its target indicator values for most indicators.
According to the interviewees, the overall impact of the Vartius border crossing point improvement project has been positive, with the improvements in terms of the railway and yard particularly noticeable. Furthermore, these investments in the border crossing point have made it much more functional and efficient both for officials and customers.
Additional information:
Programme Coordinator Niko Auer, (niko.auer[at]kareliacbc.info)