Waste station in Timanttikylät officially opened

Building of new sorting and waste station in Timanttikylät was completed already in late 2019, but due to corona it´s grand opening was postponed until may 2021. That turned out to be a good thing after all since during this extra year sorting possibilities develped significantly. So in grand opening we were able to celebrate not only the new waste station but also it´s improved functions.
In waste station there is sorting containers for glass, metal, paper, cardboard and plastic. At the beginning sorting statred with glass, metal and paper. During first year needs for also cardboard and palstic sorting came very clear. Finally village association made an agreement with local waste company Jätekukko Oy about collection of cardboard and plastic. Diverse possibilites for sorting is a good service for villagers since sorting station in Juuka center is 25 kilometers away. Village association pays service fees for waste collection and in that way offers villagers really good and concrete way to take care of their own village environment. Active co-operation with local waste company is also important in maintaining good sorting possibilities.
Villagers built Timanttikylät waste station with voluntary work and it´s materials were paid by WasteLess Karelias project. In addition to sorting possibilities waste station has mixed waste collection for villages summer residents and also joint mixed waste collection for some of permanent residents. Waste station is located in village house yard so it´s easy to access. Village house has nowdays also it´s own biowaste container.
Waste station opening event included clean-up in village house surroundings, info about waste sorting and getting acquainted with all possibilities waste station has. Also presentation about where sorted waste goes from Timanttikylät was part of events programme. Finally villagers were asked to give their thoughts about waste management by answering wastesurvay and to tell stories about durable products as part of WasteLess story portal.