The study in the field of green technologies continues at Urozero training center of PetrSU

In October - December 2019 groups of experts studied energy efficiency, rational use of resources, waste collection and disposal, water treatment at Urozero training and health center located in Prionezhsky region of the Republic of Karelia.
The work is carried out in the framework of the international project KA5041 "Green Nature Based solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment", the lead partner is KRICPE PetrSU.
Experts conducted a full-scale energy audit with modern tools to determine the efficiency of energy use and the place of possible energy losses. A thermal imaging infrared camera during previously implemented cross-border cooperation project was also used as a tool.
Experts presented possible innovative technical solutions that will reduce the negative impact on nature and at the same time be cost-effective.
As a result of the implementation of these decisions during 2020, the project will address issues of reducing the consumption of electric and thermal energy as well as water supply and sanitation, waste collection, the use of innovative materials and technologies.
Urozero Center will become a demonstration platform for environmental solutions for tourist accommodation facilities in Karelia.