NatureBeST Project learning sites featured in Karjalan Sanomat on 11.8.2021
We have been finalizing reconstruction and maintenance improvement works at NatureBeST pilot learning sites in Finland and Russia. The pilot solutions have been very important part of our project’s results from the very start of the project since these are meant to act as learning sites long after the project ends. The implemented solutions vary; from energy saving, clean water saving, wastewater/solid waste handling and management. The overall idea is that the sites demonstrate one or more techniques and/or technologies that save resources and reduce already existing or potential negative impact of tourism on the sites' surrounding environment. Karjalan Sanomat published an article about CBC NatureBeST pilot solutions in Russian side of the border on the 11.8.2021 issue.
The learning sites solutions should improve environmental effectiveness of pilot sites in cross-border region as well as increase the knowledge about these as visitors and residents visit these sites and test the services for themselves. The process has also been a learning journey for us NatureBeST project partners. Videos about the pilot site reconstruction and related processes’ will be ready in next few weeks. We encourage anyone interested about these to visit the site(s) of interest, test the facilities, and share their experiences of the learning sites. Information plates indicating existence of pilot solutions will also be available on the site(s). The pilot sites are as follows:
- Kolin Keidas (Lieksa, Finland)
- Segezha hotel (Segezha, Russia)
- Urozero educational and recreation center (Petrozavodsk, Russia)
- Erä-Eero wildlife watching and photography site (Lieksa, Finland)
- Laitalan Lomat accommodation facility (Karhunpää, Finland)